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Blog #24: The Hidden Risks of “Drinking to One’s Health”

Have you ever raised a toast to someone’s health?

Alcohol has become the centerpiece of celebration. Whether it's toasting someone’s health during birthdays or graduations, alcoholic beverages are the go-to choice. The Dutch campaign “Op je gezondheid?”, or “Cheers to Your Health?”, by De Gezonde Generatie (The Healthy Generation), has us questioning the widespread practice of toasting to health with alcohol. This initiative aims to spread awareness about the dangers of alcohol consumption in order to inspire the younger generations of the Netherlands to lead healthy lifestyles.

The irony of raising a glass to health with alcohol, a cancer-causing substance, is frequently overlooked. That’s why it’s time to de-center alcohol from our lives and acknowledge that it can be harmful to our health.

Keep reading to discover the truth behind drinking alcohol. Our hope is that we inspire you to consider making positive lifestyle changes, and possibly even quit drinking once and for all!

The Dangers of Alcohol Consumption

Although commonly associated with celebrations and social gatherings, alcohol has a dark side. Consumption of alcohol is very unhealthy and has been linked to several dangerous diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and liver disease (CDC). According to De Gezonde Generatie, even drinking just one glass of alcohol per day increases your risk of developing these diseases. Their research also shows that only 27% of Dutch people associate alcohol with being unhealthy.

To put it simply, “Alcohol is a carcinogen”, says Carmen Voogt, scientific assistant and project leader of the Expertise Center for Alcohol at the Trimbos Institute. Carcinogens can cause cancer, and evidence has proven that alcohol consumption contributes to different types of cancer.

How Alcohol Increases Your Risk of Cancer: The Facts

Numerous research has shown that there are 7 types of cancer that alcohol use commonly increases the risk of, including throat, pharyngeal, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon and breast cancer. In the Netherlands, alcohol use poses a significant threat to public health, since there are about 4,000 people annually who develop cancer from alcohol use. These cancer risks are particularly concerning, and could be easily avoided if people were more careful in their drinking habits.


What You Can Do About It

Taking action to prioritize your health, and making careful decisions about alcohol consumption, can reduce your risk of chronic diseases, since cancer risk increases with alcohol consumption. A big impact can also be made by supporting initiatives that emphasize the risks of consuming alcohol to avoid long-term health damage, like De Gezonde Generatie.

Cheers to your health!
